Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions

alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 5 recensioni su Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions. La media della valutazione per questo prodotto è 2.0/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.3/5 per altri prodotti. Le persone rispondono positivamente alla usabilità e qualità immagine. Ci sono alcuni commenti comuni circa qualità suono e la dimensione e il prezzo hanno valutazioni negative.

qualità immagine, usabilità

dimensione, prezzo

In media, gli clienti valutano questo prodotto 40/100.

Analisi recensione

(Basato su 5 recensioni)

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Recensione utente (

Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions


I'm surprised at negative reviews for the Advent Q2735A (mine isn't a DVD Combo, just a straight TV). I bought this TV new at Best Buy in 2003. IT is now 2015, and the TV has been moved (by car) from Colorado to Houston to Ohio over those years. It...


Recensione utente (

Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions


27" DVD/TV combo. Bought it for rec room based on price and picture. Looked a lot like the Toshiba. Ran fine for almost 13 months. Only real problem was cumbersome remote. Found out right away there was no aftermarket remote capability. That got me...


Recensione utente (

Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions


Advent Q2735A, picture looked good , sound was poor and set did last for 14 months after that Picture died one day and cost to repair is not worth it, knowing that something else will fail as other people have written about. Garbage TV will never buy...


Recensione utente (

Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions


Nice crisp picture but slightly misaligned which was a minor annoyance. Also slightly out of focus in one corner. This set performed well for 20 months and then the vertical circuitry went out. Still awaiting an estimate on repairs but I can't give...


Recensione utente (

Advent Q2735A Standard Televisions


Was pleased with picture and sound quality when viewing satellite, dvd, vhs. Problems arose just 15 months after purchase (shortly after warranty expired, of course). After paying repairman $100 to fix, had to return to shop for broken high voltage...


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