Marantz UD7006

Marantz UD7006
alaScore 87

32 recensioni


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 32 recensioni su Marantz UD7006. La media della valutazione per questo prodotto è 4.3/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.0/5 per altri prodotti.

Abbiamo analizzato differenti valutazioni di esperti ed clienti, età del prodotto ed altri elementi. A confronto con altri prodotti, Marantz UD7006 ha ottenuto un alaScore™ complessivo di 87/100 = qualità Molto buono.

Analisi recensione

(Basato su 32 recensioni)

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Recensione utente ( review summary for Marantz UD7006


alaTest has collected and analyzed 3 user reviews of Marantz UD7006 from The average user rating for this product is 3.7/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.8/5 for other products in the same category on

67% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.


Recensione esperto da : Trusted Reviews (

Marantz UD7006


Awesome styling, build and performance, but this 3D Blu-ray deck's lack of smart features makes it one for enthusiasts.

Sublime Blu-ray pictures, Stunning sound quality, High-quality construction, No Wi-Fi

Limited internet content, Couldn’t get streaming to work


Recensione esperto da : Richard Black (

Marantz UD7006 review


The new UD7006 universal from Marantz plays just about every digital disc you could name

Exceptionally versatile ; Good video performance ; Surprisingly good audio, too

Annoying to use ; Fan and transport noise ; Poor default settings


Recensione esperto da : What Hi-Fi? (

Marantz UD7006 review


The Marantz UD7006 is a universal player that's master of all trades – including 3D

Superb picture ; great sound, particularly with music ; luxurious build and appearance

Just one HDMI out ; limited streaming services ; costs more than the similar Denon

A great deck, particularly for music lovers, though its price premium is a hurdle


Recensione esperto da (

Marantz UD7006 review


To say the UD7006 Blu-ray player is a bit of a maverick is like saying Monty Python's Flying Circus is only mildly amusing. This spin-‘em-all player has a distinctly idiosyncratic way of doing things. But it's worth sticking with, not least because it...

Sharp Blu-ray performance; ultra high grade CD playback; integrated YouTube playback

No FLAC streaming or secondary HDMI output

Recensione esperto da : Adrienne Maxwell (

Marantz UD7006 3D Blu-ray Player Reviewed


Adrienne Maxwell takes a look at the UD7006 from Marantz, a Blu-ray player that will not only handle 3D movies but also any SACD disc you pop in. But what else does the UD7006 offer? Quite a lot, actually....

The UD7006 supports 3D playback, as well as SACD and DVD-Audio ; It supports BD-Live (with internal storage) and BonusView/PIP ; The player uses Anchor Bay's ABT2015 video processing chip, and it offers a Source Direct mode to output all discs at their...

This model does not include dual HDMI outputs to send separate signals to your 3D TV and A/V receiver ; The player doesn't support wireless connectivity to your home network, and its Web platform is limited ; The UD7006 doesn't offer 2D-to-3D...

Marantz's UD7006 sports most of the features we like to see in a higher-end Blu-ray player, including 3D capability, SACD/DVD-Audio playback, multichannel analog outputs, RS-232, DLNA streaming, and Netflix video-on-demand. However, for a player that...


Recensione esperto da : Elmar Salmutter (

Marantz UD 7006: Edler Blu-ray-Player im Test


Mit dem Marantz UD 7006 erhalten Nutzer einen hochwertigen Blu-ray-Player, der auch 3D-Filme abspielt. Allerdings müssen Interessierte dafür tiefer in die Tasche greifen. Lohnt sich die Anschaffung?

Der Marantz UD 7006 besticht durch ein sehr gutes 2D- und 3D-Bild. Klangtechnisch zählt der Player zur Spitzenklasse, auch wegen seiner Fähigkeit, SACDs und Audio-DVDs abzuspielen. Einzig die fehlerhaften Farben beim DVD-Upscaling hinterlassen einen...


Recensione esperto da : (

Обзор Marantz UD7006 — мастер на все руки, включая 3D


Blu-ray-проигрыватели начального уровня сегодня продаются по копейке в базарный день, однако в категории выше $1000 выбор далеко не так велик. Ввиду этого дефицита универсальный проигрыватель UD7006 может рассчитывать на успех.


Recensione esperto da : Thomas Johannsen (

Test Blu-ray-Player - Marantz UD7006 - sehr gut


In die Referenzklasse gelangt nach wie vor nur, wer sich der Bild- und Tonsignale auf ganz besondere Weise annimmt. Genau das macht der Marantz UD7006, der zumindest bauähnlich zum Denon DBP-2012UD ist.

Bei Marantz hat man alles richtig gemacht und bewiesen, dass es möglich ist, noch mehr aus der per se schon hervorragenden Bild- und Tonqualität herauszuholen. Sorgfältig wurde die Signalverarbeitung sowie ein Teil der Peripherie optimiert....


Recensione esperto da : Wirtualna Polska (

Marantz UD7006 - odtwarzacz uniwersalny. Test


Określenie „uniwersalny” w przypadku domowej elektroniki jest naszym zdaniem nieco nadużywane. Postęp technologiczny jest bowiem tak szybki, że często gdy na rynek trafia "uniwersalny" odtwarzacz, nieoczekiwanie pojawia się jakiś format, specyfikacja...


Recensione esperto da : Eric de Boer (

Marantz UD7006 multispeler


Het kon niet uitblijven. Nadat de grote commerciële merken de weg hebben vrijgemaakt voor het ‘nieuwe kijken' in 3D is het nu de beurt aan de meer gerenommeerde hifi fabrikanten om wat te doen met de stijging in de verkoop van spelers die deze techniek...

De producenten en ontwerpers van zowel home theater- als stereocomponenten maken het zichzelf lastig. Want met een goede naam op het gebied van muziekweergave is het moeilijk om alle nieuwe technieken bij te benen van de beeldindustrie. Hoe plaats je...


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