Beyerdynamic T5 p

alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 144 recensioni su Beyerdynamic T5 p. La media della valutazione per questo prodotto è 4.5/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.0/5 per altri Cuffie. Gli clienti sono entusiasti circa usabilità e qualità fabbricazione. In aggiunta, comfort e portabilità ottengono ottime recensioni, tuttavia si riscontrano opinioni differenti riguardo la dimensione.

qualità suono, portabilità, comfort, qualità fabbricazione, usabilità

Abbiamo analizzato differenti valutazioni di esperti ed clienti, età del prodotto ed altri elementi. A confronto con altri Cuffie, Beyerdynamic T5 p ha ottenuto un alaScore™ complessivo di 86/100 = qualità Molto buono.

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Recensione utente ( review summary for Beyerdynamic T5 p


alaTest has collected and analyzed 6 user reviews of Beyerdynamic T5 p from The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other Headphones on People really like the comfort. The sound also gets good feedback, but the portability and size get less positive opinions.

sound, comfort

price, size, portability

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.


Recensione utente ( review summary for Beyerdynamic T5 p


alaTest has collected and analyzed 95 user reviews of Beyerdynamic T5 p from The average user rating for this product is 4.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Headphones on Reviewers are impressed by the bass quality and price. The comfort and portability also get good feedback, whereas some have doubts about the size. Views about the reliability and durability are different.

sound, portability, comfort, price, bass quality


94% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.


Recensione utente (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Beyerdynamic T5 p


alaTest hat 18 Kundenbewertungen für Beyerdynamic T5 p von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.7/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer auf Am positivsten ist den Testern die Verarbeitungsqualität und die Zuverlässigkeit aufgefallen, auch die Portabilität hat sie beeindruckt.

Bedienbarkeit, Portabilität, Zuverlässigkeit, Verarbeitungsqualität, Design

100% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Questo riassunto è basato sui prodotti: Beyerdynamic T5p Portable Stereo-Kopfhörer (3,5/6,5mm Klinkenstecker) schwarz/silberBeyerdynamic T5p Portable Stereo-Kopfhörer (3,5/6,5mm Klinkenstecker) schwarz/silber


Recensione utente (

Résumé des avis d’ sur Beyerdynamic T5 p


alaTest a collecté et analysé 1 avis de consommateurs sur pour le produit Beyerdynamic T5 p. La note moyenne du produit est 5.0 sur 5, tandis que les autres Casques Audio ont une note moyenne de 3.9 sur 5 sur

100% des avis sur donnent une note favorable à ce produit.


Recensione esperto da : What Hi-Fi? (

Beyerdynamic T5 (3rd Generation) review


Beyerdynamic's flagship closed-back headphones set a new benchmark

Punchy and insightful sound ; Homely fit ; Smart, sophisticated design

Not the best looking

Born entertainers that are endlessly listenable, the T5 (3rd Generation) reaffirm the long-standing best-in-class reputation of Beyerdynamic’s flagship model


Recensione esperto da : Vlad Savov (

Beyerdynamic’s new T5p headphones teeter on the precipice of greatness


Like people, headphones are complex, multifaceted, and idiosyncratic. Each has its own particular version of reality, and the ones you ultimately like best are those you believe you can trust....

Exemplary tonal balance ; Precise, articulate sound ; Removable cable with standard 3.5mm connectors ; Built to last

Round ear cups won't fit everyone ; High price to pay for a moderate step up from $400 cans ; Lack the sound isolation for unintrusive portable use


Recensione esperto da : Christopher Jones (

Review: Beyerdynamic T5p


The Beyerdynamic T5p is a luxurious full-size, high-quality headphone that can handle portable music devices such as iPods and iPhones, but also performs great as...

In a class of its own for portable cans. Build quality is top notch — these will be durable for decades, not just years. 32 ohms of impedance makes them plenty loud on portable rigs, so there’s no need for a headphone amp

Errrrm, uh, the carrying case isn’t gold-plated


Recensione esperto da (

Beyerdynamic T5p


The T5ps deliver great sound while also being suitably portable ? we?re impressed

Dynamic and good timing; a decently open, lively sound: good build; portable

The closed-back design takes away some edge and transparency

Recensione esperto da : Michael (

beyerdynamic T5 3rd Generation Review beyerdynamic T5 3rd Generation Review — Headfonics Reviews


The beyerdynamic T5 3rd Generation are high-end circumaural closed-back headphones featuring tilted Tesla driver technology. They are priced at $999. Disclaimer: The beyerdynamic T3 3rd Generation headphones were sent to us in exchange for our The...

The beyerdynamic T5 3rd Generation is a coherency master. But the opposite tonality of the T1 original model. Smooth, relaxing, but able to give you more or less warmth of clinical appeal if you so desire it.


Recensione esperto da : W. Jennings (ecoustics)

Beyerdynamic T5 Headphones (3rd gen): Review


The 3rd generation beyerdynamic T5 headphones set a very high standard for closed-back models. Are they the best value as well? The 3rd generation beyerdynamic T5 headphones set a very high standard for closed-back models. Are they the best value as well?


Recensione esperto da : Geir Gråbein Nordby (

Test av Beyerdynamic T 5 p G2


Beyerdynamic krossar alla andra bärbara hörlurar vi har hört.

Ljudet är luftigt och extremt dynamiskt, med en behaglig klangkaraktär som förmedlar all musik med magi och elegans. Lurarna är extremt bekväma och det är ett stort plus att de fungerar med mobiltelefonen.

Den som vill ha en fet och överdrivet fyllig bas får leta vidare. Lurarna går inte att fälla ihop och priset gör dem inaktuella för de allra flesta.

När man hör talas om bärbara hörlurar så tänker man inte direkt på att de ska vara stora och omöjliga att fälla ihop. Eller att de kostar nästan tiotusen kronor. Men det är just vad Beyerdynamic T5p G2 både är och gör. De är bärbara helt enkelt för att...


Recensione esperto da : (

Beyerdynamic T5p - абсолютный звук, абсолютный комфорт


Выпустив «стационарные» флагманские наушники T1, Beyerdynamic решила следом порадовать и владельцев портативной аппаратуры. Модель T5p практически неотличима внешне: то же кожано-металлическое оформление амбушюров, надежное оголовье из штампованной...


Recensione esperto da (

Beyerdynamic T5p vs. Ultrasone Edition 8: duel high-end sluchátek


Nespokojíte se s málem? Chcete špičkový zvuk, německou preciznost, drahé materiály a speciální technologie, to vše sbaleno na cesty k MP3 přehrávači?

Izolace je u obou modelů přibližně stejně vysoká. Je dostačující pro poslech v hlučnějších prostředích, ale člověk není nikdy úplně oddělen od okolního dění, jako je tomu s intra-aurálními sluchátky. Vyšší izolaci nabízí také sluchátka zaměřená na Dje,...


Recensione utente (

A hand made gem that's strong in detail and gaming potential, but needs some structural work.


Beyerdynamic has been a tried and true brand for me over the years. In fact, their T70p was my first ever headphone I purchased over $200 (how the times have changed). Their quality and craftsmanship has always impressed me and this continues to the...

Incredibly clinical sound, very strong detail retrieval, hand made, out of this world gaming headphones

Sound may be too clinical for some, construction isn't what's expected of a product of this price, very bass light.


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